Blitz (40/144)

From:David McMinn
Date:13 May 2001 at 20:57:57
Subject:Re: C in blitz

Demon Hell says the moon is made of cheese, but it's actually made of C in blitz

> sigmask = 1L << mysignal
> where mysignal is returned from mysignal.l=allocsignal_(-1).. so the
> biggy is, what does 1L<<mysignal do..i got a feeling it`s a bitwise
> operator, but whats the equivalent Blitz code???

sigmask = 1 lsl mysignal

(lsl meaning Logical Shift Left)

> Oh, and David, hope the site transition goes well, I had dealing with
> RHA last year..not a pleasant company to deal with.

Thanks, their service was pretty bad, but the webspace was handy.


[) /\ \/ ][ [) |\/| © |\/| ][ |\| |\| | | ICQ = 16827694
'Bother', said Pooh as he realised he was eating from the furry honeypot

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